

Chamberre and operations at the camp by Chamberre and RRM staff will follow all applicable federal, state, and local public health orders, including those pertaining to COVID-19.

All participants must apply – no drop-ins accepted

All participants must apply so that Chamberre

  • Has enough food;
  • Is prepared for and can balance the combination of instruments; and
  • Can accommodate special lodging or dietary requests.

Participants may invite guests to attend the Sunday concert and reception afterward, at no charge. Participants may also invite guests to the Sunday dinner for an extra fee of $32 per person.

Applications are accepted in order received, with some modifications.

Application Status

Prior to acceptance, we may contact you if you are a first-time applicant, to discuss your musical background and experience.

The lodging categories and the instrumentation categories are limited in the number of people who can be accommodated.  The current status of whether any categories have been filled will be posted on the website as soon as it is known.  Nonetheless, there is still a possibility that you might be applying to a category that got filled just before you submitted your application. If this happens, we will inform you as soon as possible, so that you can consider your other options described below. 

The application allows you to indicate if certain alternatives would be acceptable.  This in turn allows us to continue with your application if indeed we have to offer an alternative, and saves time if we know in advance if it will be acceptable.


Your application to any other instrumental categories that are not yet filled is still valid. This is why we encourage you to apply under all the instruments you play well, or if you are in a preformed group.  Your places in these categories are still reserved during the time limit you have to send in your payment, for which we will send you an invoice by email anyway.  If you decide not to attend Chamberre, you may decline with no obligation.  Let us know as soon as you can so that we can release your remaining reserved places to other applicants.

For example, if you apply to play flute, and we have already reached the maximum number of 3 wind players, we must decline your application.  You can be put on a waiting list if you like.  If you apply to play flute and viola, however, and the number of flute players has been filled, you will still be admitted to play viola (unless the camp is entirely full), which you will play in the assigned sessions.  Bring your flute anyway, for the free sessions or just for practice.


As with the balance of players, you have options if your first lodging choice is not available.

If you apply for a private cabin with bathroom or a cabin with easy access, and you indicate in the application that this is necessary for you to attend, then if none are available, we will let you know, assume that you will not be attending, and not send you an invoice.  You can indicate on your application, however, that you would like to be put on a waiting list.

If you apply for a private cabin with bathroom, and you do not indicate on the application that this is necessary for you to attend, then if none is available, we will assume that you will consider staying in a dormitory-style cabin without a bathroom, and send you an invoice to reflect that, along with removal of the $150 extra charge for the private cabin with bathroom.

If you apply for a cabin a cabin with easy access (but without the bathroom), and you do not indicate in the application that this is necessary for you to attend, then if none is available, we will assume that you will consider staying in a cabin without easy access, and send you an invoice to reflect that.

If you apply for a private cabin with bathroom and easy access, and you do not indicate on the application that this is necessary for you to attend, then if one or the other or both features are not available, we will assume that you will consider staying in a cabin without one or the other or both features, and send you an invoice to reflect that, along with removal of the $150 extra charge for the private cabin with bathroom if that is what is not available.

If you decide not to attend Chamberre, you may decline with no obligation.  Let us know as soon as you can so that we can release your reserved places to other applicants.


If you withdraw on or before Friday, July 5, 2024, based on the date of receipt of an email, then everything you paid will be refunded. Your withdrawal notice must be sent by email, as this allows withdrawal to be as late as possible while leaving enough time to notify RRM’s food service.

If you withdraw after Friday, July 5, 2024, based on the date of receipt of an email, then no refund will be made.

If the RRM facility is mandated to close by the CDC, federal, state, or local authorities, or if the facility becomes unsafe or inoperable, all payments will be refunded if Chamberre has not yet started, and will be refunded pro rata if it has.

If Chamberre is cancelled, all payments will be refunded.

Refunds will be made by a check from Chamberre in the Rockies.

Payment Method

We are currently accepting payment only the traditional, paper way — by check, money order, or cash, all in U.S. Funds. While in many ways safer, this also is less expensive for Chamberre, because we do not have to pay the credit card or on-line transaction fees, which are almost 3% of the transfer. Last year, what Chamberre saved was able to cover the first-timer discounts.

After accepting your application, we will send you an email, noting any differences between your application and what we have available, along with an invoice.  You may decline with no obligation.

If you accept, your invoice must be paid by Monday, July 1, 2024, based on postmark.  Otherwise, your application requests cannot be guaranteed.  At Chamberre’s discretion, payments received after the deadline may be accepted, in which case you will be admitted, or be returned, in which case you will not be admitted.

Make your payment by check, money order, or cash, all in U.S. funds.  Do not mail cash. Cash will be accepted by the MusicMountainMan (Lee Smith), in person, as late as Friday, July 5, 2024, provided that we can honor your application this late.

Make your check to “Chamberre in the Rockies, LLC”

Send payment and, optionally, a copy of the invoice, to:

Chamberre in the Rockies

c/o Lee Smith

3620 Cloverleaf Dr.

Boulder CO 80304

You may withdraw at any time, subject to the refund policy described above.

Chamberre Handbook

Citing mostly common sense and common courtesy, there are nonetheless some important requirements regarding safety and care of the facility that RRM needs us to observe.  Please review the Chamberre handbook under the subtab Chamberre Handbook.  There will be copies of the handbook available during Chamberre.

Although details may change without notice, we will nonetheless try to announce or post changes as soon as we can.


You consent to having this website store your submitted information so Chamberre can respond to your inquiry. All participants’ information is kept private and not published or disseminated in any form unless by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.


On the application Apply to Chamberre, you must indicate that you understand and accept the following waiver:

I understand that there are inherent risks associated with participation in any camp activity, some of which will take place in an outdoor environment in mountainous terrain, which cannot be completely eliminated, altered, or controlled. I further understand that neither Chamberre in the Rockies, Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation, nor its employees or agents accepts any responsibility for injury to me or any minors I am the parent, guardian, or supervisor of who accompany me, damage, including damage to musical instruments, or legal claim resulting from participation in such activities. I hereby release Chamberre in the Rockies, Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation, and their employees and agents from any and all liability resulting from any such activities.  I agree to assume the risk of such activities on behalf of me and any minors I am the parent, guardian, or supervisor of who accompany me.  I hereby release, waive any claim of liability, and agree to hold harmless Chamberre in the Rockies, Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation, and their employees and agents with respect to any claim asserted by or on behalf of me or any minors I am the parent, guardian, or supervisor of who accompany me as a result of injury, illness, death, or damage, including damage to musical instruments, occurring to me or any minors I am the parent, guardian, or supervisor of who accompany me while participating in Chamberre in the Rockies programs and activities or while present anywhere on the Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation property.  I agree that the laws of the State of Colorado shall govern this document and all other aspects of the relationship between me and any minors I am the parent, guardian, or supervisor of who accompany and Chamberre in the Rockies, Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation, and their agents and employees. Further, I agree that any legal proceedings concerning any dispute with Chamberre in the Rockies or Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation must be filed exclusively in the State of Colorado.  I have read and understand the above and will abide by the terms of this document and all Chamberre in the Rockies and Rocky Ridge Music Center Foundation policies.  I have read and understand the Chamberre in the Rockies Chamberre Handbook and agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies outlined therein.

Equal Opportunity

Chamberre in the Rockies, LLC, is an Equal Opportunity Organization, Employer, and Contractor.